PM Narendra Modi Happy Birthday Wishes

PM Narendra Modi Happy Birthday Wishes I Narendra Modi Happy Birthday

PM Narendra Modi Happy Birthday Wishes: Today is the birthday of the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is celebrating his 72nd birthday today. Narendra Modi is one of the most famous Indian Prime Ministers of all time. The popularity of PM Modi is not only in India but all over the world. His birthday is special for India for another reason. Today, cheetahs from Namibia have been released in the enclosures built in the Kuno-Palpur Sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh. The Prime Minister was present in Madhya Pradesh on this occasion. On his birthday, the process of wishing him on social media continues. Many leaders including President Draupadi Murmu, Rahul Gandhi, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh have congratulated Prime Minister Modi on his birthday. If you also want to wish Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his birthday, then you can congratulate by sending these attractive wallpapers on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

With his decisive leadership and vision
India on the world stage
synonymous with development and progress
Popular leader of the country, successful prime minister
Mr. Narendra Modi
happy Birthday to.

Son of Mother India, Karma Yogi,
Brilliant thinker and successful Indian
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Happy birthday to you.

India again in place of Vishwa Guru
Constantly trying to deliver
and most popular leader of the country
Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Strong Personality
Great Energy
Effective worker
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Happy birthday to you.

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